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Become a member of the world’s most influential community of entrepreneurs.
Imagine an organization that helps you achieve your full potential in your business and personal life. At EO you gain a powerful network of local business owners who are invested in your success.
Our vision to build the world’s most influential community of entrepreneurs means that the EO Global Organization undertakes a number of programs to raise our profile in the world’s entrepreneurial community. These programs are almost entirely supported by our volunteer member leadership.
Why I Chose EO Vancouver Island
Rosanne Korteland of Country Chic Paints discusses her entrepreneurial journey and how she was supported by her experience with EO Vancouver Island.
Imagine an organization that helps you achieve your full potential in your business and personal life. At EO you gain a powerful network of local business owners who are invested in your success.
Our vision to build the world’s most influential community of entrepreneurs means that the EO Global Organization undertakes a number of programs to raise our profile in the world’s entrepreneurial community. These programs are almost entirely supported by our volunteer member leadership.